Dearest PCG2,
Firstly, I am REALLY PROUD of all of you who availed yourself to either attend or help out at the recent 12th Malaysian Cell ChurchConference! I have been hearing a lot of positive feedback from other people about you guys!!
Let's continue to keep that attitude of servanthood and humility =) This is what it means to be a blessing to people. You may think nothing of picking up rubbish, stacking chairs, wiping tables, handing out food, or even just directing someone to the toilet... but GOD sees all of your deeds! Your contribution made a difference and each of those "little" deeds made the 12th MCCC a success! Details determine destiny =)
Secondly, I have been really challenged and blessed by the recent MCCC and some of you were there to hear Ps Daniel's sermon on Sunday morning. It is a call for the church (which includes YOU and ME!) to return to God, to repent, and ask God to touch our churches and our hearts again! God is REAL and moving powerfully all around the world... He continues to show Himself in wonders and signs and miracles today, just as He has been doing since the time of Acts!
Check out for more amazing testimonies and videos!
Starting 16th June for one whole week, there will be REVIVAL meetings held daily, 8pm at DreamCentre! I hope you are EXCITED!! Because I certainly am!!
So do come with hungry hearts, expecting GOD to do something NEW,WONDROUS and AMAZING in your life! Don't miss out and don't let this pass you by!!
This Saturday, we will be having Youth Alpha at Room EHOP... and we will start at 2pm SHARP. This is so we can end a bit earlier.
**Reason for that is, I want to spend some time with just our cellgroup to share with you some of the things God has placed upon myheart for us, as a cell group in this kairos moment! Let's also seekGod for a revival in PCG2!!**
See you this Saturday!!!
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